C. Green=33 Movies
toogam=31 Movies
Carlos Bordeu=25 Movies
WhooHooD'oh=24 Movies
Alderman=16 Movies
Kilik XC=14 Movies
Fiendish=13 Movies
Obiwan37=11 Movies
Matic=10 Movies
Neil Cutshaw=10 Movies
Z Zheng=7 Movies
nagol=7 Movies
N64Pro3457=6 Movies
Antwon=5 Movies
LagoGod=5 Movies
QMCG16=4 Movies
David Timko=4 Movies
Brian Villa=3 Movies
Alex10for1=3 Movies
Ray=3 Movies
Spofforth=3 Movies
Mimic=3 Movies
Stige=3 Movies
mengerle=3 Movies
Clam=2 Movies
MrMagoony=2 Movies
Rayden239=2 Movies
mattg=2 Movies
Jordan Wolff= 2 Movies
Don Niederfrank=2 Movies
Xahji=2 Movies
Jimmy Houng=2 Movies
Jamal Traub=2 Movies
Dav=2 Movies
Lee Rognstad=2 Movies
Uncle Smack=1 Movies
Gary Tyler=1 Movie
slimshady=1 Movie
Patarsenic=1 Movie
Marc Roden=1 Movie
Scott9091=1 Movie
Andrew Bordeu=1 Movie
Sluterbeck=1 movie
hitman.= 1 Movie
S.B.= 1 Movie
Tomokato=1 Movie
Raziel X1=1 Movie
deputy-headless=1 Movie
sYco=1 Movie
Jeremy=1 Movie
FTrunks=1 Movie
Rich Green (FuSoYa)=1 Movie
Jonathan Fields=1 Movie
paul burslem=1 Movie
Da Jukebox=1 Movie
Cathy=1 Movie
_U-God_=1 Movie
Tribal Prophet= 1 Movie
Akira= 1 Movie
LACKER1=1 Movie
Jason Siedzik=1 Movie
]V[aLLo!!=1 Movie
Tony=1 Movie
Castlevnia=1 Movie
Elton=1 Movie
Rivera=1 Movie
Dustin (the D man) Collins=1 Movie
Fork=1 Movie
I NeXuS I=1 Movie
Jay Stenmark=1 Movie
Metal7u65=1 Movie
Welcome to The NESticle Movie Archive...Where you can download many NESticle Movies for your viewing pleasure.
This Page has a New Home!
The NESticle Movie Archive was originally headed by NEVERMIND8 in May 21th, 1997. Under NEVERMIND8's permission, this page has been moved
from the unpredicable GeoCities(c) server to the great vgernet.net server on Aug. 22 1998! Now that the page is under our wing, we will
continue to bring to you all the great Movie records that come our way! Please note that the original page
commemerating all the Logo's received can be found in the Logos section of this page.
A Big THANK YOU to eveyone who has given me movies! So far I've got 295
If you have Movies you want on this page (That are not already on this page)
Emulators and Roms:
These are the three versions of NESticle that SHOULD be compatible with the movies, if one dosn't work, try another. Most work with V.44 or x.XX the one I use.
Get any version of NESticle here
Get over 1000 NES roms here at Tobbe's

How to use them:
After downloading it to wherever you have NESticle, re-name the movie to whatever the corresponding name of the cart is...(OR, if you want you could just type in the name of movie in the space provided when trying to load it)...then open NESticle,load whatever cart you are going to watch the movie for. Then open "CPU" and scroll down to NES MOVIES and hit play. When Downloading, remember to put the movies in the directory where you have nesticle... Also, you may need to UnZip these files before you use them, get a good UnZip program at: WinZip
How to Make them:
Open NESticle, load a cart, open "CPU" scroll down to "NES MOVIES" select "Record" and then play the game for whatever you want to record. When you are done, go back to "NES MOVIES" and hit "stop".
If you want to link to my movies, please just put a link or something to this page...
AbodoxAlderman gives us the ending to the game. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Adventures in the Magic KingdomAlderman Found the keys and gives us a "save state" style ending to the game. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Adventure Island 2 C. Green wins AI2
Adventure Island 3 Tony's movie of AI3
ArkanoidRBrav wins Arkanoid
AstyanaxAlderman gives us the ending to the game. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
BatmanLee Rognstad beat Batman
Battletoads and Double Dragon Alderman shows us the ending to BT&DD. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Bionic Commando Marc Roden confronts Master D, well Hitler, and then
defeating his Albatros, killing Hitler himself, and then escaping in time.. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Blaster Master C. Green beats the last boss
Blaster MasterI NeXuS I beat the game and made this movie
BubbleBobble C.Green Kills the last boss
BubbleBobble 2 C. Green Wins Bubble Bobble 2
Casino Kid Neil Cutshaw Finished Casino Kid
Castlevania 1"Castlevnia" beats the first level
"Castlevania 2Akira wins Cast 2 with the third ending
Castlevania 3C.Green beats Dracula WITHOUT being hit!
Chip and Dale ObiWan37's ending to Chip n' Dale..the ending isn't supposed to be very good...
ContraTomokato plays Contra up to level 3 without being hit. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
ContraCarlos Bordeu gives us 4 movies of levels 1, 3, 5 and 6 of him playing though the levels in the game without ever using the gun! Not to mention not EVER being hit! Impressive! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Contra JapClam plays the Japanese version of Contra all the way through without being hit! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Darkwing DuckClam plays through the ENTIRE game on one life! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Deadly TowersMatic finishes off Deadly Towers
Double Dragon Fiendish's file shows, step by step, how to get the maximum amount of hearts on Mission 2. You have to kill an invisible man! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Double Dragon Fiendish plays through level one showing us all the glitches, inluding a wall walk and a barrel throw!not to mention the easy way to beat Abobo (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Double Dragon Fiendish shows how to beat Chintai without even hitting him! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Double Dragon Fiendish give sus the ending to Double Dragon. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Double Dragon 2Alderman gives us the ending to the game. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Double Dragon 3 C. Green wins Double Dragon 3
Dragon FighterMatic finishes off Dragon Fighter
Dr. Mario Obiwan37's gets all three of the endings to Dr. Mario
All the Dragon WarriorsZ Zheng gives us the endings to ALL 4 Dragon Warrior games. He's maxed out his hit points in all of them, impressive! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Dragon Warrior 2 Jonathan Fields Wins DW2
Dragon Warrior 3 and 4 Xahji Beats (?) Dw3 and 4
Duck Tales Obiwan37 Beats Ducktales
Ducktales 2 ObiWan37 Gives us both of the endings to Ducktales 2
Excite Bike Fiendish on selection A's 2nd track beating the "Best Time" by 16 seconds. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Faxanadu RBrav wins Faxanadu
Felix the catDav wins the game
Final Fantasy 1+2+3Z Zheng gives us three movies for each of the final fantasy games. All three are beaten but check the txt file included for a more detailded description! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Final Fantasy 1The final battle with Chaos from Dustin (The D Man) Collins
Final Fantasy 3 Mimic Fights the Phoneix
Final Fantasy 3 Mimic fights Leviathan
Final Fantasy 3 Mimic Fights Odin
Final Fantasy 3 Elton beats the "cloud of darkness" (the last boss)
Friday the 13th Fiendish shows us the ending to Friday the 13th! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Galaxy 5000 Cathy gives a movie of Galaxy 5000
Gargoyles Quest 2 Neil Cutshaw's ending to GQ2
Gradius 2Matic wins Gradius 2
Goonies 2Alderman Finds the mermaid and wins the game. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Gremlins 2Alderman kills the spider and wins the game. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Guerilla WarAlderman gives us the ending to the game. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Ikari Warriors 3Dav and Pan beat the last boss
JackalAlderman gives us the ending to the game. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Jackie ChanMatic beats Jackie Chan's kung fu!
JawsLee Rognstad gives a jaws Movie
JoustJamal Traub plays Joust
Jurrasic Park LACKER1 wins Jurrasic Park
Kid IcarusC. Green wins level 3-4
Kid IcarusAlderman's wins Kid Icarus. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Kid Icarus C. Green kills the first two bosses ( two Movies )
Kirby's AdventureN64Pro3457 has Kirby Beating the Boss Tower (Level 7-2)! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx).
Kirby's Adventurenagol attacks boss one and does quite well.. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Kirby's Adventurenagol beating kirby's adventure's egg catcher on the hardest mode, perfectly. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Kirby's Adventurenagol beating kirby's adventure's quick draw game on hardest difficulty perfectly. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Kirby's Adventurenagol beating kirby's adventure the whole way through with all secrets, everything 100% done. Its around 3 hours long, yet worth the wait!This is two movies files. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Kirby's Adventure hitman won Kriby's Adventure 100%, giving us a sound test and bonus games. Almost like a save state, it lets you play the bonus stuff. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Kirby's Adventure]V[aLLo!! beats the last 2 bosses on one life
Kirby's AdventureStige Wins Kirby's Adventure!
Kirby's Adventure Fiendish getting a 1up at the Egg Toss. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Kirby's Adventure Fiendish snagging 2 big Kirbys at the Crane Game! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Kung-fuC. Green wins the first level
Kung-fuC. Green wins the Second level
Kung-fuC. Green wins the third level
Kung-fuC. Green wins the fourth level
Kung-fu C. Green wins Kung-fu
Legendary Wings Neil Cutshaw's ending to Legendary Wings
Little Nemo C. Green finished Little Nemo
Lolo2MattG beats a secret level in Lolo 2!
Lolo2 C. Green finished Lolo2
Lolo 3C. Green kills the last boss
Maniac Mansion Fiendish shows us an interesting end to the game. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Mario is MissingN64Pro3457 gives us a movie of Luigi defeating King Bowser and Rescuing Mario from the Koopa Kage!. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx).
Mario's Time MachineN64Pro3457 beats Bowser and wins the game! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx).
Metal Gear C. Green Wins Metal Gear
Metal StormMatic wins Metal Storm
MetroidRaziel X1 makes Ridley a joke, geting him one hit away from death!
Metroid Watch Jay Stenmark get out of MotherBrainLand well within the time limit
Metroid mattg Explores a hidden area of Metroid
Metroid C. Green kills Mother Brain and escapes
MetroidScott9091's Movie where he beat ridley using the wave beam and a few missiles.
Metroid David Timko kills Kraid only using Bombs!
Metroid David Timko kills Ridley with just bombs!
Monster in my Pocket_U-God_ wins MIMP
Nes Openslimshady gives us several great shots like holes in one! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Ninja CrusadersCarlos Bordeu plays levels 1-9 without hitting or killing any enemies! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Ninja GaidenCarlos Bordeu winning the game all the way through only getting hit once in 18 minutes! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Ninja GaidenCarlos Bordeu getting to level 4-1 without being hit! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Ninja Gaiden 2 Jimmy Houng Won Ninja Gaiden 2
Ninja Gaiden 2 sYco got the long ending to Ninja Gaiden 2
Paperboynagol getting to Saturday and wrecking the neighborhood in Paperboy.. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Prowrestling If you want to see somebody get nailed bad, just watch Fiendish as star man, get the crap beaten out of him =). (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
PunchoutSluterbeck Destroys Macho man in round one! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
PunchoutJordan Wolff gives us two movies of him beating Soda Popinski in 1 round, and beating Don Flamenco in 40 seconds!.
PunchoutAntwon gives us 5 movies of him beating various opponents
Punchout3rd round of the Mike Tyson Match, and the after match show by Tribal Prophet
Punchout David Timko wins Punchout!
Punchout David Timko wins the second circuit
Punchout C. Green give us movies of him beating ALL 8 first opponents
PunchoutObiwan37 Shows the The Cinema scene after you beat the first circut.
River City RansomAlderman gives us the ending to the game. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
River City Ransom"Fork" getting the livings thrashed out of him in River City Ransom
RobowarriorMatic wins Robowarrior
Rollerblades C. Green shows us the last boss in RollerBlades
RygarMatic wins Rygar
RygarSpofforth exploits several crazy
glitches in that game... see for yourself..(2 Movies).
Section Z C. Green wins Section Z ( supposed to be hard! )
ShadowgateRBrav wins Shadowgate
Skate or Die Brian Villa gives us 3 movies. One he scores 17282 on the half pipe, another he scores over 20,000 and in the third he shows us him doing the challenging inverted "arms out"
spin in the air! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Skate or DieDon Niederfrank Give us another great half pipe movie
Skate or DieDon Niederfrank gets a score of 13000 on the half pipe with a nice 180 at the end!
Skate or Diepaul burslem sends us a "much better" Skate or Die movie
Skate or Die Rayden239 Kicks some ass in Pool Joust
Snake Rattle and Roll C. Green takes us to the last boss
StingerMatic wins Stinger
Street Fighter 2010Matic wins Streetfighter 2010
StriderMatic wins Strider
Super ContraCarlos Bordeu and Andrew Bordeu give us 6 movies of them playing though different levels in the game without ever using the gun! Impressive! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Super ContraCarlos Bordeu gives us 4 more movies of him playing though levels 2,3,5 and 6 in the game without ever using the gun! Impressive! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Super ContraCarlos Bordeu gives us another movie, this one of Level one, check out the ending, its great! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Super Dodge BallS.B. beating the Russians without getting hit, then beating the Shadow team getting hit only once! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Super Dodge BallUncle Smack beating the Russians AND the Shadow team without being hit! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Super Mario Brosdeputy-headless Finished the game all the way through without getting hit OR getting a powerup!
Super MarioMrMagoony Shows us how to get fireballs while small! Also how to die, yet still complete a level!(use NESticle V.43 or .xx) .
Super MarioWhooHooD'oh shows you how to warp in 4-1, even if you are big.
Super MarioWhooHooD'oh is invincible, but if you let time run out when you have a star, you still flash when you die
Super MarioSpofforth makes it into Minus world on the first level!
Super Mario Jamal Traub Made a movie of the Maio Hack game ( Mario has an Afro ) this is pretty cool
SuperMario mengerle beats Koopa in 7 min
SuperMario Bro's Obiwan37 shows us how to beat Worlds 4.4 and 7.4
SuperMario2N64Pro3457 beats wart and gets the ending. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx).
SuperMario2Jeremy's 30 Min movie (in 12K zipped) of the whole game start to finish being beaten ~Jeremy Style~
Super Mario 2 Jason Siedzik wins Mario 2
Super Mario 2WhooHooD'oh only throws one rock at clawgrip to kill him. Great!.(use NESticle V.43 or .xx) .
Super Mario 3WhooHooD'oh Dies, but since he is on a "note" mario takes off like a rocket.
SuperMario3The Ending to Super Mario 3
SuperMario3Alderman's movie of him beating Bowser and winning the game. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
SuperMario3Gary Tyler's movie of him finishing off Bowser to win the game. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
SuperMario 2000N64Pro3457 gives us a movie for the game Mario 2000 (a rare hack), he beats world 1-1. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx).
TecmobowlQMCG16 gives us 4 Tecmobowl movies: An opening kick-off for a 85 yard
touchdown against Miami, An interception of a Dan Marino pass for a ten yard
TD return, Dan Marino gets sacked in the endzone by Dan Hampton for a
four yard loss and a saftey, and The Bears defeat the Dolphins 100-0. The quarters add up
to 100 but the score only reads 99.
TecmobowlStige beats TecmoBowl 63-0 over Seattle
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Obiwan37 finished TMNT2 with game genie
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 C. Green Wins TMNT3
Tetris Fiendish Shows us the best ending to Tetris.(use NESticle V.43 or .xx, and the nintendo version of Tetris)
Tetris Alex10for1 plays tetris from level one through 17. Quite impressive! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx, and the nintendo version of Tetris)
Tetris Alex10for1 plays tetris from level one through 19.Beating his last movie by two levels. If thats not impressive enough, he plays level 9, height 5 on the "B" game and wins, giving us the hardest to get ending in tetris! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx, and the nintendo version of Tetris)
The Gaurdian LegendRbrav wins The Gaurdian Legend
ThunderbirdsAlderman gives us the ending to the game. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Tiny ToonsAlderman's movie of a glitch in the game. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Track and Field mengerle doing a good hammer throw
Track and Field 2nagol beats the computer in a fencing match. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Uninvited Neil Cutshaw finishes Uninvited!
Where's Waldo? Fiendish Gives us the ending to Where's Waldo. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Wizards and Warriors 2Patarsenic beats all four of the last bosses and shows us the ending. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx).
World Cup Soccer Stige Shows us how to score a goal using an overhead kick
Wrecking CrewN64Pro3457 beats the first phase of Wrecking Crew. (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Zelda toogam gives us 9 movies of him getting all the way to Gannon without getting the sword! Other movies include him beating Gannon with just the wooden sword, or walking around with no life points! (Follow instructions in the TXT file included as to what version of NESticle to use.)
Zelda Fiendish wins level one all the way though without being hit! (use NESticle V.43 or .xx)
Zelda Metal7u65 Wins Zelda 1
Zelda 2 Watch me beat shadow Link and win Zelda 2
Zelda 2 toogam gives us 22 movies of him getting the hammer from the caves of Death Mountain without getting the candle from level one first! (Follow instructions in the TXT file included as to what version of NESticle to use.)
Zophar's NESticle Movie site
Zelda Headquarters Everything you ever wanted to know about Zelda 1 and 2.
Orginal Location of this site
flipino's NESticle Save Game Archive
mattg's Page Which has Game reviews and even a rare price list, cool
Last Updated 2/11/01