Join #rpg

PTNet's #rpg is an IRC channel dedicated to Role Playing Games. It's a great place to meet other RPG fans from around the world. It's not limited to just one type of RPG, you can talk about videogames, boardgames, books, cards... anything you like. With some luck, you can even meet me :). Join it today!
For ease of access, I've added a small options menu below. From there you can easily join #rpg. By choosing the first option you'll be able to join it through this page! Just choose your nick and hit "Connect"! However, you may want to join this channel using an IRC client. For explanations on how to do it simply choose the second option. In case you're wondering what the hell is IRC, go for the third option. Finally, if you're new to PTNet, I would advise you to check out the last option. It's a small FAQ I've made with everything you should know about PTNet.
Join #rpg from this page
Join #rpg using an IRC client
About IRC (FAQ)
Using PTNet (FAQ)