Simone Zanella's Emu Tools Last updated:
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    Simone Zanella's Emu Tools

    joyemu.gif (648 byte)

    JOYEMU and JOYEM are keyboard emulators for joystick and mouse: they are two TSR programs that let you use your input devices with software that accepts only keyboard input, or with those programs that have weak support for other kind of input. They're shipped with JoyCP, a full featured and easy to use external interface.

    Quick startup:

    1. Check with JCMPTEST if your system is compatible with JoyEmu;
    2. Use JoyCP to calibrate your joystick (and ENABLE it) and set keys to be emulated. Save the calibration info to JOYSET.JS; save key settings to KEYSET.KS.
    3. Move these files to the same directory as JoyEm(u).exe.
    4. Open a Dos prompt, run JoyEm(u) from the same directory, run the game under which you wish to have keyboard emulation, in the SAME Dos box. If you need keyboard emulation for Windows 9x native applications, you must include JoyEm(u) in your AUTOEXEC.BAT; then, you can use JoyCP to change settings "on the fly" and enable/disable emulation.

    Download JoyEmu v 4.1